Q: How many people does Central State currently serve?

A: CSCSO currently supports more than 200 adults and children at more than 225 community-based service sites.


Q: Does CSCSO have group homes or a workshop?

A: No.


Q: Can I receive services if I do not live in an area mentioned in the location section?

A: Absolutely! DDSD approves providers to begin providing supports on a county by county basis. If CSCSO does not currently provide services in the county where you live, contact us. We will request approval from DDSD to initiate services.


Q: If I select CSCSO as a provider, how long would it take to identify staff?

A: The identification, hiring and training of staff can take many weeks. The local job market and the training required by the Interdisciplinary Team impacts the length of this process. A CSCSO representative should be able to give you a “best case scenario” of the anticipated timeline.


Q: If I already have staff that I want to transition, will CSCSO hire them?

A: Existing staff must meet DDSD and CSCSO hiring guidelines. If the current employee meets all qualifications and wants CSCSO to be their employer, the hiring process can be completed.


Q: Can advocates, families, guardians and the people supported be involved in staff selection?

A: Certainly, Just let us know when you are available so we can schedule suitable times for you and applicants to meet.


Q: Does CSCSO allow creative staffing?

A: When approval from all members of the Interdisciplinary Team is received, creative staffing is allowed.


Q: What is you monthly staff turnover rate?

A: CSCSO averages a monthly staff turnover rate of 5%.


Q: What should I do if there are problems with staff?

A: Every person receiving supports and their family/parent/guardian has a Support Coordinator who can be reached by phone in the office. For after hour problems, the Support Coordinator carries an emergency cell phone. You can also contact the Support Coordinators supervisor (the Senior Support Coordinator- SSC) if you unable to make contact with the Support Coordinator.


Q: Does CSCSO have an on-call service?

A: The on-call services is handled by the Support Coordinator, their backup or the SSC by use of the emergency cell phone.


Q: What is the procedure for keeping guardians/advocates/parents informed?

A: Frequency and method of contact with you is set up according to your preferences. Generally, Support Coordinators are expected to make contact with you weekly.