Effective August 20, 2022


If a CSCSO employee exhibits ANY signs or symptoms of ANY illness, tests positive for COVID-19, has been exposed to someone who is exhibiting any signs or symptoms of any illness, or has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, the employee must immediately report to their Supervisor AND must call the CSCSO HR Manager at 918-664-6944.


  • All CSCSO direct support employees are required to wear a face covering while on duty (see face covering definition at the end of this policy). Exceptions are:
    • When an employee is alone in a room.
    • For a limited time, while an employee is eating or drinking at the workplace or for identification purposes in compliance with safety and security requirements.
    • When an employee is outside.
    • If a medical condition prevents an employee from wearing a face covering, the employee must contact the CSCSO HR Manager for direction.
    • When a CSCSO employed Family Support Worker (FSW) is working in the home of an individual receiving In-Home Supports Waiver (IHSW) services.
  • A sufficient supply of face coverings, gloves, hand soap, hand sanitizer, disinfectant air spray, and surface cleaners/disinfectant is provided by CSCSO and will be maintained at all service sites.
  • A cleaning/sanitizing schedule/checklist has been implemented at each service site and must be strictly adhered to.
  • All people at the service sites (individuals receiving services and employees) are required to practice universal precautions and must wash/sanitize their hands multiple times per day.
  • Individuals receiving services must be screened for symptoms of illness at least 1 time per day.
  • Every person coming into the service site (including employees for each shift) is required to immediately wash/sanitize their hands and must be screened for illness and/or risk of exposure using the CSCSO provided screening tool and thermometer.
  • For individuals receiving services:
    • All outings are allowed.
    • Individuals receiving services on outings are required to wear face coverings at all times as tolerated (except when outside), use hand sanitizer often while on the outing, and must wash their hands immediately upon returning home.
  • Company-leased vehicles must be thoroughly sanitized after each use.
  • When individuals receiving services are transported in employee-owned vehicles, employee-owned vehicles must be thoroughly sanitized by the employee with Central State provided sanitizer prior to each use.
  • All visitors to/in the service sites ARE allowed under the following conditions:
    • Except in In-Home Supports Waiver (IHSW) service sites, no more than 3 people may visit at the same time (exceptions may be granted by Executive Director) upon request.
    • All visitors must wear a face covering at all times.
    • If the visitor is an individual’s guardian/family member, the individual and guardian/family member may visit without face coverings in the individual’s bedroom.
    • Visitors are required to complete the CSCSO COVID-19 Visitor Log in the event that contact tracing must be done.
    • Visitors are required to sanitize their hands upon arrival and must be screened for illness and/or risk of exposure using the CSCSO provided screening tool and thermometer.
  • Individuals receiving services may go to work (paid and volunteer) under the following conditions:
    • The vocation provider must have a written plan that has been approved by DDS.
    • A Team meeting has occurred, the individual’s risk have been discussed, and a plan specific to the individual has been written.
    • The individual and employees are required to wear a face covering at all times as tolerated.
    • As soon as the individual gets home from work, s/he must immediately wash his/her hands. S/he then must be screened for illness and/or risk of exposure using the CSCSO screening tool.


  • Visitors to/in offices are allowed.
    • All visitors must wear a face covering at all times.
    • Visitors are required to complete the CSCSO COVID-19 Visitor Log in the event that contact tracing must be done.
    • Visitors are required to sanitize their hands upon arrival and must be screened for illness and/or risk of exposure using the CSCSO provided screening tool and thermometer.
  • All CSCSO office employees are required to wear a face covering in the offices as described below (see face covering definition at the end of this policy). If a medical condition prevents an employee from wearing a face covering, the employee must contact the CSCSO HR Manager for direction.
    • In all common areas such as hallways, restrooms, break rooms, elevators, etc.
    • When there are more than 6 people in a room.
    • When there are 2-6 people in a room and social distancing of up to 6 or more feet is not possible.


 Face covering means a covering that:

  1. Completely covers the nose and mouth;
  2. is made with two or more layers of a breathable fabric that is tightly woven (i.e., fabrics that do not let light pass through when held up to a light source);
  3. is secured to the head with ties, ear loops, or elastic bands that go behind the head;
  4. fits snugly over the nose, mouth, and chin with no large gaps on the outside of the face; and
  5. is a solid piece of material without slits, exhalation valves, visible holes, punctures, or other openings.

This definition includes clear face coverings or cloth face coverings with a clear plastic panel that, despite the non-cloth material allowing light to pass through, otherwise meet this definition and which may be used to facilitate communication with people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing or others who need to see a speaker’s mouth or facial expressions to understand speech or sign language respectively.